
Life in Japan - AI・CREATE Co., Ltd.

Life in Japan

Resident Registration Procedure

Moving into the city of Tokyo from abroad

The passports and residence cards of all of your household members who are moving into the city of Tokyo are required.
If you are moving in as a family, your marriage certificate or birth certificates that can verify your family relations as
well as their translations are required.

Moving into the city of Tokyo from another municipality

Bring the residence cards and certificate of moving out of all of your household members who have moved into the city
of Tokyo and submit a resident registration for within 14days of moving into The Cities.
Be sure bring your residence card with you.

Moving the house within the same City

The residence cards of all of your household members who have moved the house are required.

Purchase Furniture and Electrical Goods

We have strong connection for the furniture rental and purchase services, and may offer you the best quality.

  • Tokyo LeaseTokyo Lease


To sign up for electricity, gas, and water supply services necessary for living in Japan,
those who have recently moved in the city of Tokyo should contact the offices in your district.
(Some of the district in Tokyo, see below)

Tokyo Electric Power Company, Customer Center No. 1

Shinjuku, Minato (excluding Daiba), Chiyoda, Chuo,Toshima, Bunkyo, Itabashi, Kita, Nerima, Suginami,Nakano and Islands
Tel: 0120-995-001 (toll free)

Tokyo Electric Power Company, Customer Center No. 2

Minato City (Daiba), Shinagawa, Meguro, Shibuya,Koto, Sumida, Edogawa, Katsushika, Taito, Arakawa,Adachi, Setagaya, Ota,
Tel: 0120-995-005 (toll free)

Tokyo Gas, Ltd. Movers

hotline: Tel: 0570-00-2230
Customer service center: Tel: 0570-00-2211
*If you cannot use above No., call below No
Tel: 03-5722-0111(Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinagawa, Ota)
Tel: 03-5722-3111(Shinjuku, Meguro, Shibuya, Nakano)


Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Moving and changing contracts within 23 Tokyo Cities Tel: 03-5326-1100
Fees, water leak repairs, and others Tel: 03-5326-1101

In Case of Emergency

Police DepartmentDial 110

If you have been involved in a crime or accident or feel that your life may be in danger, call 110 immediately.
Foreign language operators are available. They patrol their communities, prevent and control criminal activity
such as robberies and violence, perform a wide variety of functions including handling traffic violations and accidents,
giving directions to people who are lost, collecting lost-and-found items, reports on missing persons,

and accepting suggestions from the community regarding police services.
Even in non-emergency situations, the Metropolitan Police Department offers foreign language
telephone consultations for non-Japanese residents.



Languages offered English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Tagalog, Urdu, Spanish, Germany,
French, Russian, Persian, and others
(may not be available depending on the situation, however)
*Available on specified days: Urdu, Spanish, Germany, French, Russian, and Persian
Consultation hours Mon. to Fri. closed holidays 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Inquiries Counseling Service for Foreigners, Metropolitan Police Department
Tel: 03-3503-8484

Traffic AccidentsDial 110

If you are involved in a traffic accident, no matter how minor, call 110.
A victim who wants to file an insurance claim against the person who caused the accident must obtain
a traffic accident report based on the police report.
If specialized knowledge and mediation services are necessary for reaching an amicable settlement,
you can take advantage of such specialized institutions as the Nichibenren Traffic Accident Consultation Center.



Languages offered Mon. to Fri.,  10:00 a.m. to noon, 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Address Tokyo Bar Association Bldg. 3F, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda City
Inquiries Nichibenren Traffic Accident Consultation Center
Tel: 0570-078325

Fire DepartmentDial 119

The Fire Department is equipped with ambulances including ambulance crews and fire engines.
To report an incident, call 119.
Start by clearly stating whether you are reporting an emergency or a fire. Next, state the location or address,
telephone number or contact information, and your name.
Then explain the details of the situation.
If someone has experienced a sudden illness or serious injury, an ambulance will be sent to the scene.
Ambulances are free of charge but please do not request an ambulance for victims with minor injuries
who can be transported in a private vehicle or taxi.
Before the ambulance arrives, prepare the victim’s health insurance card and some cash.
When you hear the siren, go out into the street to meet the ambulance and direct it to the victim’s location.
The Tokyo Fire Department provides information on medical facilities
and emergency consultations by phone (in Japanese only).



Inquiries Tokyo Fire Department, Fire Prevention Telephone Service
(Disaster Information and Fire Consultation)
Tel: 03-3212-2119

Tokyo Fire Department Telephone Service (Emergency Consultation Center)
Tel: 03-3212-2323 or #7119(answered 24 hours a day, year-round)

Earthquake Precautions

Daily Earthquake Precautions

  • Institute measures to prevent furniture and electric appliances from falling down or dropping.
  • Prepare slippers or other protective footwear available to help prevent injuriescaused by glass shards.
  • Prepare three-day supply of drinking water and food.
  • Prepare an emergency kit.


Groceries Drinking water, crackers, pouched foods, canned foods, other foods
Pharmaceutical First-aid supplies, household medicines, a supply of medicines taken regularly
Valuables Cash, copies of your bankbook and health insurance card, personal seal,
some form of identification (such as a passport or driver’s license)
Supplies Flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, tissues, wet wipes, garbage bags, lighters, gloves,
glasses/contact lenses, sanitary products
Clothing Underwear, clothing, towels


  • Keep your valuables, passport, resident card, and other important items in a place where they are easily accessible.
  • Confirm the location and routes to your nearest resident evacuation center and wide-area evacuation sites.
  • Discuss how your family members will get in touch with one another if you are apart when a disaster
    strikes and identify a meeting place in case telephone service is not available.

Earthquake Countermeasures in the Workplace

  • Keep a pair of shoes at your workplace that you are used to wearing in case the chaos in the aftermath
    of a disaster subsides, allowing you to walk home safely.
  • Keep a supply of drinking water and calorie-dense foods (such as chocolate and candy) on hand.
  • Know and prepare a map of your route home.
  • Familiarize yourself with your company’s disaster management plan before a disaster strikes.

Earthquake Preparedness for High Rise Buildings

  • Considering that it might take some time for lifeline services to be restored, keep a minimum of
    seven days’ worth of food and drinking water on hand, as well as a emergency toilet and other daily essentials.
  • The shaking will be more amplified in a high-rise building than in a single-family home, requiring
    even more careful measures to restrain furniture and prevent flying glass.
  • When an earthquake occurs, do not use the elevator to evacuate.
    In the event of a major earthquake, some elevators will automatically stop at the nearest floor, but a power outage
    may cause the elevator to stop immediately. If you are trapped in an elevator,
    press and holdthe emergency button to request rescue.
  • In residential complexes, such as apartment buildings, it is necessary to check safety and help each other on each
    floor or a set of several floors in cases of an earthquake.
    It is recommended that you have communication with your neighbors as regular greetings, and the entire
    apartment building be prepared for disasters.

Earthquake Response Tips

Earthquake strikes 【Protect Yourself】
- Get under a desk or table.
- Watch out for fliying glass and debris.
After 1-2 minutes 【Look for flames】
- Once the shaking stops, look for flames and quickly put out any small fires

【Check on the safety of others】
- Check on your family members to see if they are safe
After 2-5 minutes 【Secure an evacuation route】
- Put on shoes, open a door or window, secure an exit
- protect your head, watch for falling debris

【Watch out for electricity or gas leaks】
- Before evacuating, shut off the main valve and main electricity breaker
*In high-rise buildings, it is recommended that residents stay calm and secure
their safety and should not evacuate in a hurry.
After 5-10 minutes 【Check on the safety of others in your neighborhood】
- After confirming that your family and home are safe,
check on the safety of others in your neighborhood
*In high-ruse building, it is recommended that residents check their neighbors'
safety on a floor basis.
10 minutes to several hours 【Cooperate with rescue and relief activities】
- Cooperate in neighborhood efforts to rescue people
who are trapped under collapsed homes or furniture
- Administer first aid to those who are injured

NTT Disaster Messaging Service171

In the event of an earthquake or other large-scale disaster, this service enables people to leave voicemail
messages confirming their status, using telephone numbers in the disaster-stricken area as voicemail boxes.
To record or replay messages, dial 171 and follow the instructions given.
Recorded messages can be up to 30 seconds in length, and will be saved for 48 hours.
The number of recorded messages that can be left for each phone number varies depending
on the particular circumstances of the disaster.



Contact us via phone or e-mail and we will handle your requests.

  • +81-(0)3-6402-3536
  • Mail

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